Up With Women Charity
Posted on אוגוסט 13 2021

About: Up With Women
We are a national charity on a mission to help recently homeless and at-risk women build a sustainable pathway out of poverty. And with the support of people like you, our proven program will help change over 1000 lives over the next three years.
Who we are
Up With Women is a growing registered charity dedicated to helping recently homeless and at-risk women to build sustainable, prosperous careers and businesses with the aim of permanently exiting poverty. We serve in four provinces (Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, BC).
What we do
Up With Women clients undergo a year-long intensive program of career and entrepreneurship-based one-on-one customized coaching, in-depth personality and emotional assessment tools, group-support sessions, and soft-skills development. We partner clients with International Coach Federation certified professional coaches for twice monthly career coaching, who are then trained to serve our clients. All coaches provide their services at pro-bono, thereby allowing Up With Women to deliver high quality service at a very low cost.
Who we work with
The selection process is targeted to women who have experienced a range of set-backs.
Why we do it
Talented women are falling through the cracks. Many women experience career interruptions due to life events – but the longer one is out of the job market, the harder it is to get back in. The cycle of homelessness and poverty can be extraordinarily difficult to escape. Up With Women gives the skills and opportunities to break the cycle. See “Breaking the Cycle” for more details.